
Google Launches New Multi-Modal Gemini AI

Google Launches New Multi-Modal Gemini AI

On December 6, Alphabet, Google’s parent company, unveiled the first phase of Gemini, its cutting-edge AI model. Sundar Pichai,…

INDIA alliance charges Google and Facebook for Encouraging Racial Hatred

INDIA alliance charges Google and Facebook for Encouraging Racial Hatred

The INDIA alliance has accused Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg of inciting racial hatred through…

Gatekeeper Services to Restructure Big Tech Companies

Digital Markets Act to Restructure Big Tech Companies

The European Union has selected 22 “gatekeeper” services operated by six of the world’s largest tech companies, Microsoft, Apple,…

Why is Google Bard unique?

Why is Google Bard unique?

Google’s experimental conversational AI chat service, Bard, is a unique tool that uses information from the Internet, unlike ChatGPT….

Google Is Killing Album Archives Feature

Google Is Killing Album Archives Feature, This Is How You Protect It

Google Is Killing Album Archives Feature Soon, So How Do You Protect It Google has announced that it will no…

Sundar Pichai Announces AI Can Predict Cardiovascular Diseases With Just An Eye Scan

Sundar Pichai Announces AI Can Predict Cardiovascular Diseases With Just An Eye Scan

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, is leading a significant change in the health tech industry through the use…

Google Bans Private Finance Applications From Android

Google Bans Private Finance Applications

Personal loan applications for Android have been officially banned by Google

Tech Layoffs in 2023

Tech Layoffs in 2023

With the sudden shock of Covid 19, every sector suffered. While some businesses had to shut down, some giant…